
Sunday 6 January 2013

Mamat psycho muka suci

As I chatted with my friends vide FB's personal message inbox, a dark secret came out to the surface. It's all started with -

"Hey, do you know ..........?"

"Yes. Y"

"It's L's firm, right?"

"Yes. And dia punye partner is a saiko!"

"What do you mean?"

"He has been sending me messages. Dia cakap dia simpan semua gambar aku. Dia kata aku gebu semua bagai. Padahal masa belajar poyo tak pernah tegur aku. Macam alim la."

"Seriously??? Sapa nama dia?"


"Ya Allah, aku pun terkena! We're indeed mangsa okay!!"
"Apa ko buat masa dia cakap macam tu?'

"Aku blocked dia terus!"

"I told him to fuck off & stop watching porn!!! Haha"

"Huh, how do you know he watched porn?"

"Duhhhh, kalau dah bagi msg mcm tu bagai, dah tentulah hari2 tgk porn!"

Our conversations continued & more secrets were no longer a secret. Then one of us, in the chat box:

"Hey, tapi kenapa dia tak add aku, tak try contact aku ke? Aku ni tak cantek ke????"

Hahahhahaha... sengal betul. 

We wonder how many women out there that have been his victim, like my friend. With his religious school background from kindergarten until he graduated, anyone could easily be deceived by him. Somethings need to be done. A plan need to be planned. We must bring him down before he could find more victims. And his ultimate victim is his wife. Poor that lady. 


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