4 years in the Service..
The first year was great! My boss was
great. She's awesome.
Well, let me call her Tuk Nab. (Seriously I hope
she doesn't read my blog!)
In fact she reminds me of Jessica from the Suits, only that whilst Jessica speaks in a very professional
tone, but Datuk Nab.. her voice.. mak aihhhhh boleh pecah gegendang
telinga once she called your name.
Datuk Nab was very proud with her
Why I said that? Well, obviously it's because whenever she
needed me or anyone else, she prefered to scream instead of using her
office's phone.
Nak terkencing kalau dia panggil.
However.. she's a great boss. She's
very professional. She did/does her work with due diligent. She
doesn't care who you are as long as you are good at what you do. Demi
Allah, I like her.
However she's only with us for 1 year only.
Her successor.. errmmmmm...
No comment..
What I can say is..
look can be very deceiving!!
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